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Use of decumulation products within occupational DC schemes

This is an ad-hoc publication of decumulation products in occupational DC schemes aiming to inform an impact assessment of potential legislation in decumulation. This publication is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated.

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Published: 21 May 2024


This analysis aims to provide evidence of decumulation products by schemes. It identifies the total number of schemes who offer decumulation products (accessed by at least 1 member) and the total number of members within the schemes identified as offering decumulation product.


160 schemes are currently offering decumulation products within the scheme. These schemes have coverage of 625,000 memberships. Of these 160 schemes, over half (90 schemes) have less than 100 members.

The most popular product offered is income on any other basis which includes uncrystallised funds and lump sums.


Table 1: Number of schemes segmented by whether they have members accessing decumulation products

Number of schemes

Scheme size (any other basis) Has at least one member receiving benefit Does not have at least one member receiving benefit
12 to 99 90 310
100 to 999 40 60
1,000 to 4,999 20 20
5,000 to 24,999 10 20
25,000+ 10 10
Total 160 410

Table 2: Number of memberships within schemes segmented by whether the schemes have members accessing decumulation products

Number of memberships

Scheme size (any other basis) Has at least one member receiving benefit Does not have at least one member receiving benefit
12 to 99 4,000 11,000
100 to 999 15,000 19,000
1,000 to 4,999 37,000 65,000
5,000 to 24,999 100,000 168,000
25,000+  470,000 307,000
Total 625,000 570,000

Lifetime annuity tables

Table 3: Number of schemes segmented by whether they have members accessing a lifetime annuity

Number of schemes

Scheme size (lifetime annuity) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 20 70
100 to 999 10 30
1,000 to 4,999 ** 10
5,000 to 24,999 0 10
25,000+ ** 10
Total 40 120

Table 4: Number of memberships within schemes segmented by whether the schemes have members accessing a lifetime annuity

Number of memberships

Scheme size (lifetime annuity) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 1,000 3,000
100 to 999 2,000 12,000
1,000 to 4,999 10,000 27,000
5,000 to 24,999 100,000
25,000+ 56,000 413,000
Total 69,000 556,000

Self-annuitisation tables

Table 5: Number of schemes segmented by whether they have members accessing a self-annuitisation product

Number of schemes

Scheme size (self annuitisation) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 10 70
100 to 999 ** 30
1,000 to 4,999 0 20
5,000 to 24,999 0 10
25,000+ 0 10
Total 20 140

Table 6: Number of memberships within schemes segmented by whether the schemes have members accessing a self-annuitisation product

Number of memberships

Scheme size (self annuitisation) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 ^^ 3,000
100 to 999 1,000 14,000
1,000 to 4,999 0 37,000
5,000 to 24,999 0 100,000
25,000+ 0 470,000
Total 1,000 623,000

Drawdown tables

Table 7: Number of schemes segmented by whether they have members accessing a drawdown product

Number of schemes

Scheme size (drawdown) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 40 50
100 to 999 20 20
1,000 to 4,999 ** 10
5,000 to 24,999 0 10
25,000+ 0 10
Total 60 90

Table 8: Number of memberships within schemes segmented by whether the schemes have members accessing a drawdown product

Number of memberships

Scheme size (drawdown) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 2,000 2,000
100 to 999 7,000 8,000
1,000 to 4,999 7,000 30,000
5,000 to 24,999 0 100,000
25,000+ 0 470,000
Total 16,000 609,000

Income on any other basis tables

Table 9: Number of schemes segmented by whether they have members accessing income on any other basis

Number of schemes

Scheme size (any other basis) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 30 60
100 to 999 20 20
1,000 to 4,999 10 **
5,000 to 24,999 10 0
25,000+ 10 0
Total 70 80

Table 10: Number of memberships within schemes segmented by whether the schemes have members accessing income on any other basis

Number of memberships

Scheme size (any other basis) Has at least one member receiving benefit Has at least one member receiving decumulation but not this benefit
12 to 99 1,000 3,000
100 to 999 9,000 5,000
1,000 to 4,999 29,000 8,000
5,000 to 24,999 100,000
25,000+ 470,000 0
Total 609,000 16,000


The analysis includes occupational DC schemes with 12 or more members. Master trusts, non-registerable and wound up schemes (where a scheme has ceased to exist) are excluded. For a sectionalised or segregated scheme, each section/segregated part is treated as a separate scheme. Only schemes with pensioner members are included. This only considers products offered for pensioner members within the scheme itself and does not consider products accessed outside the scheme or products offered by schemes with only active or deferred members.

The data is from TPR’s annual scheme return as of 1 January 2024.

580 schemes are in scope for the analysis. Of those, there are 410 schemes with no members currently receiving benefits from the scheme. This could be driven by any of three reasons:

  1. The scheme does not offer any decumulation products.
  2. The scheme does offer decumulation products, but no pensioner member is currently accessing them.
  3. The scheme didn’t answer the relevant question within the ‘Benefit details’ section of scheme return. This section is only answered by schemes with pensioner members.

To prevent the risk of giving identifiable scheme data, we have rounded the figures based on the following method:

  • scheme numbers are rounded to the nearest 10 and any figures lower than 5 are marked as **
  • membership figures are rounded to the nearest 1,000, and where a figure rounds to lower than 1,000 it is marked as ^^

Please note that total rows may not add up to the sum of the components because totals are calculated before the individual values are rounded.