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Administration: detailed guidance

Administration of a DC pension scheme

Make sure the trustee board works well with the scheme administrator, and the right people and processes are in place so that members’ benefits are administered to a high standard.

Cross-border schemes

Guidance for UK cross-border occupational pension schemes and UK employers that are contributing to occupational pension schemes established outside the UK.

Cyber security principles

Taking steps to manage the risk of loss, disruption or damage to a scheme or its members as a result of information technology systems and processes failing.


Connecting with pensions dashboards and providing the required information to scheme members.

DB to DC transfers and conversions

Assists defined benefit pension scheme trustees and managers of private and funded public service schemes to manage transfer requests and their impact.

Dealing with transfer requests

Guidance for trustees, pension managers and administrators on checking, proceeding with and refusing transfer requests from scheme members.

Incentive exercises

A short principles-based statement for employers considering an incentive exercise, the trustees of the affected defined benefit schemes and those who advise them.

Maintaining DC scheme contributions

Ensuring that contributions are paid to the scheme and what you do and don't need to report to us.

Material detriment, employer insolvency and employer resources

Examples to show how the material detriment, employer insolvency and employer resources tests for contribution notices might be considered in practice.

Record keeping

What records to keep, reviewing and improving scheme data, and managing risks to data security.

Transfer values

Guidance for trustees of pension schemes providing defined benefits. Helping trustees to understand the requirements for calculating transfer values.

Trustee Toolkit online learning

Free online learning on administration in pension schemes. You must log in or sign up to use the Trustee Toolkit.

Trustee Toolkit