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Learn about managing public service schemes

Use our Public Service toolkit to learn about managing public service pension schemes and to increase your knowledge and understanding.

Public Service toolkit programme

Our online Public Service toolkit programme is split into seven separate courses designed to enable you to dip in and out of the content, and learn at your own pace. All of the learning is downloadable, which means that you can also study offline.

Each course features a variety of activities to suit the way you want to learn. This includes:

  • an e-learning module which includes a technical tutorial and a case study
  • an assessment to test your knowledge.
  • a check your scheme worksheet to help you apply the learning to your own scheme
  • exercises which you can complete individually or as a group to test your knowledge or the scheme’s processes
  • examples and extra resources to bring the learning to life

We estimate that each course will take one hour to complete.

Public Service toolkit online learning

Pension board members of public service schemes (as defined in section 318 of the Pensions Act 2004) should complete our free Public Service toolkit, unless they arrange the equivalent learning. You must log in or sign up to use the Public Service toolkit.

Go to the Public Service toolkit

Public Service toolkit courses

The courses cover the governance and administration of public service schemes, as described in our code of practice.

Course What the course covers
Conflicts of interest Learn what conflicts of interest are, how important it is to be aware of them and their potential impact. You will also find out how to manage conflicts.
Managing risk and internal controls Learn how to identify, evaluate, manage and monitor scheme risks. You will also learn about internal controls used to mitigate risk.
Maintaining accurate member data Learn about the requirements for maintaining complete and accurate member data. You will also learn about other records that must be kept.
Maintaining member contributions Learn about the requirement to monitor member contributions and how to manage overdue contributions.
Providing information to members and others Learn about the information that public service schemes are required to provide to members.
Resolving internal disputes Learn about the requirement for schemes to have an internal dispute resolution procedure (IDRP).
Reporting breaches of the law Learn about who must report breaches, deciding when to report a breach and how to submit a report.

Proving your achievements

The Public Service toolkit enables you to print or save a development record which proves your achievements in the programme.

Each course features an online assessment and for each one you pass your development record will be updated with your score. The development record can be downloaded at any time and as new modules are added you will be able to pass these and add them to your record too.

Assessing your learning needs

The public service toolkit has a range of learning assessment resources to help you review your knowledge and understanding, the tasks you need to do and the skills you need to develop.