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1175 results found

Triggering events form

PDF 111KB, Published: Jun 2023
Triggering events notification form This document contains both i ...


Too many small DC schemes failing to meet expectations on value, survey shows

Too many defined contribution (DC) schemes, especially smaller ones, are failing to meet expectations on assessing value, according to a survey from T ...


Guidance notes for Key Persons and Officers

PDF 119KB, Published: May 2023
Guidance - Key Persons a ...


Part 1 Example scheme return 2023 DB only schemes

PDF 162KB, Published: Jan 2023
Part 1: Example scheme return 2023 - Defined benefit (DB) only schemes ...


Part 1 Example scheme return 2023 Hybrid schemes

PDF 210KB, Published: Jan 2023
Part 1: Example scheme return 2023 - Hybrid schemes Part 1: Examp ...


Former trustees face crown court over illegal pension loan and investment offences

Update: At a court hearing on 16 August proceedings against Derek Thomas, 86, of West Oxfordshire, ended following his death in July. And The Pensions ...


Schemes administered by Capita

FOI reference - FOI-126 Original enquiry date - 22 June 2023 Appeal request date - 21 July 2023


Non-associated multi-employer schemes

FOI reference - FOI-129 Date - 29 June 2023


Childcare vouchers policy

Policy purpose and scope The Pensions Regulator offers employees who are working parents assistance towards childcare by offering access to a 'salary ...


First climate change reporting fine issued by TPR, as use of powers continues

The first fine against a pension scheme for failing to publish a report on trustees’ management and governance of climate-related risks and oppo ...
