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1239 results found
Director exemptions from automatic enrolment
Check who to enrol in a workplace pension Raise your client's staff awareness about automatic enrolment Staff employed on irregular hours or incomes/en/business-advisers/automatic-enrolment-guide-for-business-advisers/director-exemptions-from-automatic-enrolment
Board meeting summary March 2023
A summary of The Pensions Regulator (TPR) Board meeting in March 2023./en/document-library/corporate-information/board-information/board-meeting-summary-march-2023
Statement of strategy consultation published by TPR
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is asking for views on its proposals to help trustees of DB schemes meet new requirements for submitting a statement of s .../en/media-hub/press-releases/2024-press-releases/statement-of-strategy-consultation-published-by-tpr
TPR announces interim leadership changes and recruitment drive for permanent roles
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has appointed Neil Bull as Interim Director of Market Oversight, Nina Blackett as Interim Director of Strategy, Policy an .../en/media-hub/press-releases/2024-press-releases/tpr-announces-interim-leadership-changes-and-recruitment-drive-for-permanent-roles
Governing body: detailed guidance
Skills and knowledge required by those running pension schemes and the structure, systems and controls they should have in place to manage risks and c .../en/document-library/scheme-management-detailed-guidance/governing-body-detailed-guidance
Dosco Overseas Engineering Limited - Regulatory intervention report
Regulatory intervention report issued under section 89 of the Pensions Act 2004 in relation to the Dosco Overseas Engineering Limited (1973) Pension & .../en/document-library/enforcement-activity/regulatory-intervention-reports/dosco-overseas-engineering-limited-regulatory-intervention-report
CBW Pension Forensics Limited and CBW Trustees Limited: Compulsory Review
A quick guide to the chair’s statement
To be read alongside the chair's statement module of our code of practice. Published: March 2022 Updated: August 2023/en/document-library/scheme-management-detailed-guidance/communications-and-reporting-detailed-guidance/6-communicating-and-reporting/a-quick-guide-to-the-chairs-statement
Closing a scheme
We provide good practice guidance to help trustees and others meet the two-year timeframe in relation to winding up occupational pension schemes. Trus .../en/business-advisers/closing-a-scheme
Anthony Mustafa Salih: Determination notice
Determination notice pursuant to Section 96(2)(d) of the Pensions Act 2004 (the Act). The Pensions Regulator case ref: C46205159/en/document-library/enforcement-activity/determination-notices/anthony-salih-determination-notice