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PARC (Essex)
FOI reference - FOI-223 Date - 9 February 2024/en/about-us/freedom-of-information-(foi)/recently-released-information/parc-essex
Diamond Pension Fund
FOI reference - FOI-222 Date - 10 February 2024/en/about-us/freedom-of-information-(foi)/recently-released-information/diamond-pension-fund
Contract register - February 2024
Global settlement sees £3.5 million returned to pension scheme, as TPR demonstrates its use of powers
Action by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) using its anti-avoidance powers has seen £3.5 million being paid into a defined benefit pension (DB) sche .../en/media-hub/press-releases/2024-press-releases/global-settlement-sees-three-point-five-million-returned-to-pension-scheme
Keytec (GB) Limited - Regulatory intervention report
This report outlines how The Pensions Regulator (TPR) worked with Keytec (GB) Limited, its parent company Turbon AG, and the pension scheme .../en/document-library/enforcement-activity/regulatory-intervention-reports/keytec-gb-limited-regulatory-intervention-report
Spending transactions January 2024
Trustee board for DC pension schemes
Make sure you have the right people on the trustee board and a strong chair of trustees so that your pension scheme can be well governed and members&r .../en/document-library/scheme-management-detailed-guidance/governing-body-detailed-guidance/trustee-board-guide-for-dc-pension-schemes
Capita cyber security incident
Published: 12 May 2023. Capita has recently experienced a cyber security incident and it is now known that some data has been exfiltrated from their s .../en/document-library/statements/capita-cyber-security-incident
The notifiable events framework
The principal purpose of the notifiable events framework is to give The Pensions Regulator early warning of possible calls on the Pension Protection F .../en/document-library/scheme-management-detailed-guidance/communications-and-reporting-detailed-guidance/the-notifiable-events-framework
Martin Currie Investment Management - Regulatory Intervention report