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1266 results found
Expenses, gifts and hospitality policy
The Pensions Regulator's policy on expenses and other financial arrangements for non-executive members of the Board and Determinations Panel members, .../en/document-library/corporate-information/board-information/expenses-gifts-and-hospitality-policy
DB superfunds guidance
This guidance is for those setting up and running a 'DB superfund', including directors, senior managers and trustees. This guidance may also be relev .../en/document-library/scheme-management-detailed-guidance/db-superfunds
Digital forensics or computing outsourcing
FOI reference - FOI-277 Date - 26 June 2024/en/about-us/freedom-of-information-(foi)/recently-released-information/digital-forensics-or-computing-outsourcing
Superfund guidance for prospective ceding trustees and employers
Guidance for trustees and sponsoring employers considering transacting with a defined benefit (DB) superfund vehicle and other similar arrangements. I .../en/trustees/wind-up-or-transfer-your-scheme/db-superfunds/superfund-guidance-for-prospective-ceding-trustees-and-employers
Employees automatically enrolled into a pension in Northern Ireland
FOI reference - FOI-272 Date - 15 July 2024/en/about-us/freedom-of-information-(foi)/recently-released-information/employees-automatically-enrolled-into-a-pension-in-northern-ireland
Pensions industry urged to help shape value for money framework
Trustees of workplace defined contribution pensions schemes and the wider pensions industry are being urged to help shape the introduction of a new va .../en/media-hub/press-releases/2024-press-releases/pensions-industry-urged-to-help-shape-value-for-money-framework
Spending transactions June 2024
Learn about managing public service schemes
Use our Public Service toolkit to learn about managing public service pension schemes and to increase your knowledge and understanding./en/public-service-pension-schemes/learn-about-managing-public-service-schemes
Dashboards compliance and enforcement policy: consultation response
The response to our consultation on the draft pensions dashboards compliance and enforcement policy, and examples of breaches of law. Published: 5 Sep .../en/document-library/consultations/dashboards-compliance-and-enforcement-policy/dashboards-compliance-and-enforcement-policy-consultation-response