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Steps to take to determine if your defined contribution (DC) personal pension scheme is a qualifying scheme - Transcript
Automatic enrolment detailed guidance for employers no. 4 Appendix B This is a transcript of the flowchart intended as supporting material for D .../en/document-library/automatic-enrolment-detailed-guidance/4-pension-schemes-under-the-employer-duties-appendix-b-transcript
Regulators' Code
The Regulators’ Code asks regulators to publish standards that set out what our regulated community can expect from us in six particular areas. You ca .../en/about-us/how-we-regulate-and-enforce/regulators'-code-
Some documents available on this page are published in PDF format. To view our PDF documents you'll need the free Adobe Reader. Some forms on this pag .../en/document-library/forms
Annual Funding Statement Analysis 2021
A review of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes with valuation dates between September 2020 and September 2021 (Tranche 16). Published: 24 June 2021/en/document-library/statements/annual-funding-statement-analysis-2021
Relations with advisers
Eastman Machine Company Limited Superannuation Scheme - Regulatory intervention report
This report outlines how we successfully prosecuted two scheme trustees for making illegal loans from a company pension scheme to the sponsoring emplo .../en/document-library/enforcement-activity/regulatory-intervention-reports/eastman-machine-company-ltd-regulatory-intervention-report
London Borough of Barnet - Regulatory intervention report
List of authorised collective defined contribution schemes
We are required to publish a list of authorised collective money purchase schemes (known as collective defined contribution or CDC schemes)./en/document-library/scheme-management-detailed-guidance/collective-defined-contribution-schemes/list-of-authorised-collective-defined-contribution-schemes
Contract register - May 2023