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1266 results found
Postponement: An explanation of how to apply postponement
Automatic enrolment detailed guidance for employers no. 3a Accompanying resources Information to workers Summary of information require .../en/document-library/automatic-enrolment-detailed-guidance/3a-postponement
Coats Group Plc - Regulatory Intervention report
Scheme funding and clearance case studies
Welsh version: whistleblowing employer non-compliance with workplace pension duties form transcript
Assessing the workforce: How to identify the different categories of worker
Automatic enrolment detailed guidance for employers no. 3 Please note: This guidance is linked to the following appendices Appendix A: Pay refere .../en/document-library/automatic-enrolment-detailed-guidance/3-assessing-the-workforce
2. Write to staff that you’ve put back into your pension scheme
You must write to each member of staff that you need to put back into your pension scheme to tell them what you’ve done. You must do this within .../en/employers/re-enrolment/i-am-or-will-be-an-employer-with-staff-to-put-back-into-my-scheme/write-to-staff-that-youve-put-back-into-your-pension-scheme
New enhanced data from TPR gives overview of DB landscape
New data from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) shows 4% of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes, with a combined membership of 1.2 million savers, remaine .../en/media-hub/press-releases/2024-press-releases/new-enhanced-data-from-tpr-gives-overview-of-db-landscape
Stonewall funding request
FOI reference - FOI-217 2 February 2024/en/about-us/freedom-of-information-(foi)/recently-released-information/stonewall-funding-request
Poor-value schemes are wound up as TPR takes tough action
Action by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) to ensure savers receive value from their pension schemes is helping drive market consolidation and resulted in .../en/media-hub/press-releases/2024-press-releases/poor-value-schemes-are-wound-up-as-tpr-takes-tough-action
Local authority AE enforcement data: 1 January to 30 June 2023