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Bespoke post-relevant date schemes

An illustrative statement of strategy template for Bespoke schemes after the relevant date.

Name of scheme: [pension scheme’s name]


Statement type: bespoke post-relevant date

Statement date: [date]


Part 1: funding and investment strategy

This funding and investment strategy sets out the trustees’ strategy for ensuring that pensions and other benefits under the scheme can be provided over the long term.

Actuarial valuation

The actuarial valuation to which this funding and investment strategy relates has an effective date of [date].

The scheme’s funding level as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation is as follows.

  • Low dependency funding basis: [figure]%.
  • Technical provisions (TP) basis: [figure]%.

Relevant date

The scheme’s relevant date is [date].

The trustees’ intention was that as at the relevant date:

  • The scheme’s funding level on a low dependency funding basis should have been [figure]%.
  • The assets of the scheme should have been invested as follows:
    • Growth: [figure]%
    • Matching: [figure]%
  • [Optional] Of these assets, those that represent any anticipated surplus assets above the minimum funding level should have been invested as follows:     
    • Growth: [figure]%
    • Matching: [figure]%

Long-term funding strategy

The trustees’ long term funding strategy is illustrated by the following.

  • The discount rates and other assumptions used to calculate the:
    • scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation
    • low dependency funding level in the actuarial valuation
  • The differences between the above two sets of assumptions, as set out in Appendix 1.
  • [For small schemes using a spot-rate methodology (not providing yield curves)] How the trustees expect the discount rate or rates to change over time, which can be summarised as follows: [text]
  • [For schemes using a pre- and post-retirement discount rate methodology] How the trustees expect the discount rate or rates to change over time, which can be summarised as follows: [text]
  • [For all other schemes] How trustees expect the discount rate or rates to change over time, as set out in Appendix 1.

[Optional] The trustees would also like to add the following.


Long-term objective

The trustees’ current strategy is for benefits to be provided over the long term in the following way.


Confirmation of agreement

[For all schemes except those described below] This funding and investment strategy has been agreed by the trustees and the employers.

[For schemes where trustees determine contribution rates without the agreement of the employers and only trustees can reduce those rates or suspend payment of contributions] This funding and investment strategy has been agreed by the trustees following consultation with the employers.

Part 2: supplementary matters

Trustee assessment

How appropriate the funding and investment strategy is

The trustees have considered whether and to what extent the funding and investment strategy is or remains appropriate. They have concluded the following.


Implementing the funding and investment strategy

[For schemes that have indicated the funding and investment strategy is being successfully implemented in all respects] In the trustees’ opinion, the funding and investment strategy is being successfully implemented.

[For schemes that have indicated the funding and investment strategy is not being successfully implemented in all respects and all schemes in deficit] In the trustees’ opinion, the extent to which the funding and investment strategy is being successfully implemented is as follows.


[For schemes that have indicated the funding and investment strategy is not being successfully implemented in all respects and all schemes in deficit] Where the trustees do not consider that the funding and investment strategy is being successfully implemented in all respects, they propose taking the following steps to remedy the position (including details on timing).


The main risks to the implementation of the funding and investment strategy, together with details of how the trustees intend to mitigate them, manage them, or both, are as follows.


[For schemes that have not identified any significant past decisions relevant to the funding and investment strategy] The trustees have not identified any significant past decisions relevant to the funding and investment strategy.

[For schemes that have identified significant past decisions relevant to the funding and investment strategy] The trustees have the following reflections on significant past decisions that are relevant to the funding and investment strategy. This includes any lessons learned that have affected other decisions or that may do so in the future.


Actuarial information

Estimate of scheme maturity

The actuary’s estimates of scheme maturity in the actuarial valuation are as follows.

  • Scheme maturity at effective date (duration in years): [figure] years.
  • [Only for open schemes]: Allowance for future accrual in estimating date of significant maturity: [figure] years.
  • [Optional and only for open schemes]: Scheme maturity at the effective date including any allowance for future accrual (duration in years): [figure] years.

[For schemes that do not have a recovery plan] Summary of actuarial valuation

[For schemes that have a recovery plan] Summary of actuarial valuation and recovery plan

The existing funding position of the scheme as set out in the actuarial valuation is as follows.

Technical provisions Low dependency Solvency
Total assets £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
Active member liabilities £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
Deferred member liabilities £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
Pensioner member liabilities £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
Insured liabilities £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
[Only if the scheme provides DC benefits (including DC AVCs)] Defined contribution liabilities £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
[Only if cash balance benefits] Cash balance liabilities £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
Expense reserves £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
Total liabilities £ [amount] £ [amount] £ [amount]
Funding level [figure] % [figure] % [figure] %

[For schemes that are open to future accrual] The future service contribution rate on an ongoing basis is [figure] % of pensionable salary.

Pensionable salary at the valuation date was £ [amount].

[Optional] In relation to expense reserves, the trustees make the following observations.


The proportion of the liabilities on a low dependency funding basis that are linked to inflation is [figure]%.

The scheme actuary estimates that the scheme’s sensitivity to inflation is that an assumed change in RPI and CPI (underpinning the related assumptions) of [figure] basis points would lead to a change in the value of the technical provisions’ liabilities of £ [amount].

[For schemes other than small schemes and schemes that use a different pre- and post-retirement discount rate methodology] The forward yields table in Appendix 1 details the forward rates and premiums used to:

  • calculate the technical provisions
  • specify the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation

[For all schemes other than any small schemes who do not opt to provide cashflows in Part 1 of the statement of strategy] Details of the undiscounted cashflows for the next 40 years, as used to calculate technical provisions, are shown in the cashflows table in Appendix 2.

The scheme’s recovery plan can be summarised as follows.

  • Date recovery plan commenced: [date]
  • Date recovery plan ends: [date]
  • Technical provisions deficit at valuation date: £[amount]
  • Assumed investment return over recovery plan period: [[figure]%/gilts+[figure]%]
  • Is there allowance for post valuation experience? [‘yes’ or ‘no’]
  • [For schemes which are making allowance for post valuation experience] Estimated technical provisions deficit used for recovery plan purposes: £[amount]

The deficit repair contributions for each of the 20 years after the valuation date are as follows.

  • Year 1: £[amount]
  • Year 2: £[amount]
  • Year 3: £[amount]
  • Year 4: £[amount]
  • Year 5: £[amount]
  • Year 6: £[amount]
  • Year 7: £[amount]
  • Year 8: £[amount]
  • Year 9: £[amount]
  • Year 10: £[amount]
  • Year 11: £[amount]
  • Year 12: £[amount]
  • Year 13: £[amount]
  • Year 14: £[amount]
  • Year 15: £[amount]
  • Year 16: £[amount]
  • Year 17: £[amount]
  • Year 18: £[amount]
  • Year 19: £[amount]
  • Year 20: £[amount]

The total deficit repair contributions scheduled at any time thereafter will be £ [amount].

Investment information

Current level of investment risk

The trustees have assessed the level of risk in the scheme’s current notional investment allocation (relating to the actuarial valuation to which the funding and investment strategy relates). They have determined that the level of risk is £ [amount].

How this level of risk complies with the objective that, on and after the relevant date, the assets to which the minimum funding level relates are invested in accordance with a low dependency investment allocation can be described as follows.


Evidence for level of investment risk

The trustees have determined the level of risk using a TPR Fast Track stress test.

The trustees have determined the level of risk using a value at risk calculation as follows.

  • Type of calculation: [liabilities and assets/assets only]
  • [For schemes using liabilities and assets] Liability basis [trustees will have selected one of the following]:
    • [technical provisions]
    • [low dependency funding]
    • [gilts (margin: [figure])]
    • [swaps (margin: [figure])]
  • [For schemes selecting 'other'] [text]
  • Percentile: [figure] %
  • Period: [figure] year or years.

The trustees have determined the level of risk using a conditional value at risk calculation as follows.

  • Type of calculation: [liabilities and assets/assets only]
  • [For schemes using liabilities and assets]: liability basis [trustees will have selected one of the following]:
    • [technical provisions]
    • [low dependency funding]
    • [gilts (margin: [figure])]
    • [swaps (margin: [figure])]
  • [For schemes selecting 'other'] [text]
  • Percentile: [figure] %
  • Period: [figure] year or years.

The trustees have determined the level of risk as follows.


In making their assessment, the trustees have also taken the following information into account.

  • [For schemes using a total return figure] The current notional investment allocation relating to defined benefits, which is expected to provide a long-term return of [figure]% per annum, can be broken down into the following.
  • [For schemes using a gilts plus approach] The current notional investment allocation relating to defined benefits, which is expected to provide a long-term return of [gilts + figure] % per annum, can be broken down into the following.
    • Fixed-interest UK government bonds: [figure] %
    • Fixed interest investment grade bonds (excluding UK government): [figure] %
    • Fixed interest sub-investment grade bonds: [figure] %
    • UK inflation-linked government bonds: [figure] %
    • UK quoted equities: [figure]%
    • Overseas quoted equities: [figure]%
    • Unquoted or private equities: [figure]%
    • Property: [figure]%
    • Deferred or immediate fully-insured annuities: [figure]%
    • Diversified growth funds: [figure]%
    • Cash and net current assets: [figure]%
    • Asset-backed contributions (ABCs): [figure]%
    • Other: [figure]%
  • [Only if the scheme has ABCs] Further information about the ABC arrangements can be found in Appendix 4.


  • [For schemes without an explicit interest rate or inflation hedging target] The scheme’s current notional investment allocation does not involve an explicit interest rate or inflation hedging target.
  • [For schemes with an explicit interest rate or inflation hedging target] The scheme’s current notional investment allocation includes the following hedging targets as a proportion of [assets (funded liabilities)/technical provision liabilities/low dependency liabilities/other – text] which [includes or excludes] insured annuities:
Type of hedging Target hedging ratio
[For schemes with an interest rate hedging target] Interest rate: [figure] %
[For schemes with an inflation hedging target] Inflation: [figure] %


The trustees’ current notional investment allocation includes:

  • [figure]% of highly liquid investments
  • [figure]% of illiquid investments
  • [For schemes that have leveraged investments that could result in unexpected demands on liquidity from the rest of the scheme’s assets] leveraged investments that could result in unexpected demands on liquidity from the rest of the scheme’s assets

Covenant information

Assessment of employer covenant

The trustees have assessed the strength of the employer covenant as at [date]. They have determined that it is [adequate/inadequate] by reference to the actuarial valuation to which the funding and investment strategy relates.

[For schemes other than low-risk schemes] Evidence this assessment is based on

In making the above assessment, the trustees have considered the following.

  • Professional covenant advice: [‘yes’ or ‘no’].
  • Reliance on other entities than statutory employers: [‘yes’ or ‘no’].
  • [For schemes relying on contingent assets] Total value given to contingent assets relied on as detailed in Appendix 3: equal to or at least £[amount].
  • [For schemes relying on ABCs]: Value of scheme’s interest in ABCs (net present value) as detailed in Appendix 4: £[amount].
  • Assessment of reliability period: equal to or at least [figure] years.
  • Assessment of covenant longevity period: equal to or at least [figure] years.

[For schemes that haven’t received covenant advice] The trustees have the following experience that allows them to assess covenant without professional covenant advice.


[For schemes placing reliance on any entity or entities other than statutory employers for covenant assessment] The following outlines any entities other than the statutory employers that have been considered in the assessment of the covenant.


[For schemes placing reliance on any entity or entities other than statutory employers for covenant assessment] The reasons it is appropriate to include these non-statutory employers in the covenant assessment is as follows.


[Optional] The trustees have the following comments on their approach to assessing reliability and covenant longevity periods.


[For all schemes except non-segregated, non-associated multi-employer schemes] In making the above assessment, the trustees have also considered the following.

Trustees’ assessment of maximum affordable contributions after deficit-repair contributions over the reliability period:

  • equal to or at least £ [amount]

Employers’ free cash flows or proxy:

  • Prior year – actual: £ [amount]
  • Current year – forecast: equal to or at least £ [amount]
  • Year 1 – forecast: equal to or at least £ [amount]
  • Basis of assessment: [adjusted cash flows/adjusted profit before tax/adjusted EBITDA/other – text]

A summary of the trustees’ analysis of maximum affordable contributions after deficit-repair contributions is attached as Appendix 5.

[Optional and only for schemes other than non-segregated, non-associated multi-employer schemes]: The trustees have the following further comments on employer cashflows, their approach to assessing maximum affordable contributions, or both.


[For multi-employer schemes that are non-segregated and whose employers are non-associated] A summary of the trustees’ assessment of supportable risk over the reliability period is attached as attached as Appendix 6.

[For schemes where the recovery plan exceeds either three years or the reliability period, except for non-segregated non-associated multi-employer schemes]

In making the above assessment, the trustees have also considered the following.

Employers’ investment in sustainable growth:

  • Prior year – actual: £ [amount]
  • Current year – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]
  • Year 1 – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]

Shareholder returns:

  • Prior year – actual: £ [amount]
  • Current year – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]
  • Year 1 – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]

Payments to other defined benefit pension schemes:

  • Prior year – actual: £ [amount]
  • Current year – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]
  • Year 1 – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]

Other alternative uses of cash by employers:

  • Prior year – actual: £ [amount]
  • Current year – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]
  • Year 1 – forecast: equal to or no more than £ [amount]

Value of employers’ liquid assets at the time of agreeing the recovery plan:

  • Equal to or at least £ [amount]

[Optional and only for schemes where the recovery plan exceeds either three years or the reliability period, except for non-segregated non-associated multi-employer schemes] The trustees have the following further comments on alternative uses of cash and employers’ liquid assets.


[Optional] The trustees also have the following comments.


Employer consultation

The trustees hereby [confirm/do not confirm] that they have consulted the employers of the [name of pension scheme] in the preparation and revision of this Part 2 of their statement of strategy.

[Where there are no comments from the employers] The employers have not asked to include any comments in this document.

[Where there are comments from the employers] The employers have asked for the following comments to be included in this document.


Signature of chair of trustees

This document is signed by the chair of trustees on behalf of the trustees of the scheme.

[Name of chair]
[Confirmation of signature]

Appendix 1: assumptions

Discount rates

The trustees use a [horizon method/multiple horizon/constant addition/dynamic/other - text] discount rate methodology. The discount rate is derived by [applying a premium to gilt yields/applying a premium to swap yields/applying a premium to inflation yields/applying a premium to composite yields/other - text].

The forward yields table at the end of this appendix sets out the forward rates used in:

  • calculating the scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation
  • specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation

The trustees use a [horizon method/multiple horizon method] discount rate methodology. The discount rate is derived by [applying a premium to gilt yields/applying a premium to swap yields/applying a premium to inflation yields/applying a premium to composite yields/other - text]. This is equivalent to an underlying spot rate of [figure]%.

The premiums above this underlying spot rate are used to derive the discount rates used in:

  • calculating the scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation
  • specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation

These premiums are as follows.

Technical provisions Low dependency
Premium before [date] (horizon date) [figure] % [figure] %]
Premium after that date [figure] % [figure] %]

The scheme uses a [constant addition/dynamic/other – text] discount rate methodology. The discount rate is derived by [applying a premium to gilt yields/applying a premium to swap yields/applying a premium to inflation yields/applying a premium to composite yields/other - text]. This is equivalent to an underlying spot rate of [figure]%.

The premium applied above this underlying spot rate is equivalent to:

  • [figure]% for the purposes of the technical provisions in the actuarial valuation
  • [figure]% for the purposes of specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis, as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation

The scheme uses different pre- and post-retirement discount rates. The discount rate is derived by [applying a premium to gilt yields/applying a premium to swap yields/applying a premium to inflation yields/applying a premium to composite yields/other - text]. These are set out in the forward yields table at the end of this appendix.

Premiums are applied above these yields to derive the pre- and post-discount rates used in:

  • calculating the scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation
  • specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation

These premiums are as follows.

Technical provisions Low dependency
Pre-retirement premium [figure] % [figure] %]
Post-retirement premium [figure] % [figure] %]
Pensioner premium [figure] % [figure] %]

The scheme uses different pre- and post-retirement discount rates. The discount rate is derived by [applying a premium to gilt yields/applying a premium to swap yields/applying a premium to inflation yields/applying a premium to composite yields/other - text]. This is equivalent to an underlying spot rate of [figure] %.

Premiums are applied above these yields to derive the pre- and post-discount rates used in:

  • calculating the scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation
  • specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation

These premiums are as follows.

Technical provisions Low dependency
Pre-retirement premium [figure] % [figure] %]
Post-retirement premium [figure] % [figure] %]
Pensioner premium [figure] % [figure] %]

Other assumptions

The other assumptions used to calculate the scheme’s technical provisions at the effective date of the actuarial valuation are as follows.

  • [For schemes that opt to complete the forward yields table] The RPI, CPI and pay increase assumptions are set out in the forward yields table at the end of this appendix.
  • [For schemes that do not complete the forward yields table and have either RPI and CPI or RPI only linked benefits] An RPI assumption of [figure]%.
  • [For schemes that do not complete the forward yields table and have either RPI and CPI or CPI only linked benefits] A CPI assumption of [figure]%.
  • [For schemes that do not complete the forward yields table and have salary linked benefits] A pay increase assumption of [figure]%.
  • [For schemes that make allowance for commutation] An increase in the technical provisions if no allowance is made for commutation of £[amount].

Mortality assumptions of:

  • an expected age of death for male pensioners aged 65 at the valuation date of [figure]
  • an expected age of death for female pensioners aged 65 at the valuation date of [figure]
  • an expected age of death for future male pensioners aged 45 at the valuation date of [figure]
  • an expected age of death for future female pensioners aged 45 at the valuation date of [figure]

Differences between technical provisions and low dependency funding basis assumptions

There are no differences between the assumptions used to calculate the scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation, and those used in specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis, as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation.
Other than the differences in the discount rate premiums set out above, there are no differences between the assumptions used to calculate the scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation, and those used in specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis, as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation.

In addition to any differences in the discount rate premiums set out above, there are also the following differences between the assumptions used to calculate the scheme’s technical provisions in the actuarial valuation, and those used in specifying the funding level, calculated in accordance with the low dependency funding basis, as at the effective date of the actuarial valuation.


[For all schemes except small schemes opting to provide spot rates] Forward yields table

Forward yields

Year Discount rate: underlying [gilt curve/swaps curve/ inflation /composite /other – text] yields (excluding additions) [Other than pre-/post-retirement discount rate methodology] Discount rate: additions to curve - technical provisions [Other than pre-/ post-retirement discount rate methodology] Discount rate: additions to curve - low dependency [For schemes with RPI-linked benefits] RPI assumption curve [For schemes with CPI-linked benefits] CPI assumption curve [For schemes with benefits linked to salaries or open to future accrual] Pay increase assumption curve
1 % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure]
2 % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure]
3 % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure]
39 % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure]
40 % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure] % [figure]

[Optional for small schemes, mandatory for all other schemes] Appendix 2: cashflows table

These cashflows [include/do not include] insured benefits where these are included when calculating the technical provisions.

Year Annual cashflows: Accrued benefits

[Only if there are contingent assets and the scheme is not a low risk scheme] Appendix 3: contingent assets


Name of guarantor

  • [name]

Guarantor company or charity number

  • [text]

Is the guarantor an associated company?

  • [‘Yes’ or ‘no’]

Type of guarantee

[Scheme will have selected one of the following:]

  • [Formal look-through guarantee]
  • [Look-through guarantee subject to limitation(s)]
  • [Non-look-through guarantee]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Maturity date

[Scheme will have selected one of the following]:

  • [Evergreen]
  • [Fixed expiry with a maturity date of [date]]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Value ascribed

  • Equal to or at least £ [amount]

Date of valuation

  • [date]

Value cap

[Schemes will have selected one of the following]:

  • [None]
  • [Full s75 (solvency) deficit]
  • [105% of PPF (s179) deficit]
  • [Low dependency deficit]
  • [Technical provisions deficit]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Triggers for access to value

[Scheme will have selected one or more of the following:]

  • [Participating employers insolvency]
  • [Insolvency of associated company]
  • [Non-payment of contributions]
  • [Crystallisation of investment risk]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Triggers for termination

  • [text]


Type of security

[Schemes will have selected one of the following]:

  • [Security over property]
  • [Security over other tangible assets]
  • [Security over intangible assets]
  • [Security over receivable balances]
  • [Cash in escrow]
  • [Co-investment vehicle]
  • [For schemes selecting 'other'] [text]

Description of underlying asset

  • [text]

Maturity date

[Schemes will have selected one of the following]:

  • [Evergreen]
  • [Fixed expiry with a maturity date of [date]]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Value ascribed

  • Equal to or at least £[amount]

Date of valuation

  • [date]

Value cap

[Schemes will have selected one of the following]:

  • [None]
  • [Full s75 (solvency) deficit]
  • [105% of PPF (s179) deficit]
  • [Low dependency deficit]
  • [Technical provisions deficit]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Triggers for access to value

[Schemes will have selected one or more of the following]:

  • [Participating employers insolvency]
  • [Insolvency of associated company]
  • [Non-payment of contributions]
  • [Crystallisation of investment risk]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Triggers for termination

  • [text]

Other types of contingent asset

Type of contingent asset

[Schemes will have selected one of the following:]

  • [Letter of credit]
  • [Bank guarantee]
  • [Surety bond]
  • [Contingent funding mechanism from a third party]
  • [Other]

[Only for contingent funding mechanism from a third party or other] Description of asset and (where applicable) counterparty(s)

  • [text]

Maturity date

[Schemes will have selected one of the following:]

  • [Evergreen]
  • [Fixed expiry with a maturity date of [date]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Value ascribed

  • Equal to or at least [£ amount]

Date of valuation

  • [Date]

Value cap

[Schemes will have selected one of the following::

  • [None]
  • [Full s75 (solvency) deficit]
  • [105% of PPF (s179) deficit]
  • [Low dependency deficit]
  • [Technical provisions deficit]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Triggers for access to value

[Schemes will have selected one or more of the following:]

  • [Participating employers insolvency]
  • [Insolvency of associated company]
  • [Non-payment of contributions]
  • [Crystallisation of investment risk]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Triggers for termination

  • [text]

[For schemes that rely on asset backed contributions] Appendix 4: asset-backed contributions

Type of security

[Schemes will have selected one of the following:]

  • [Security over property]
  • [Security over other tangible assets]
  • [Security over intangible assets]
  • [Security over receivable balances]
  • [Cash]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Description of underlying asset

  • [text]

Maturity date

[Schemes will have selected one of the following:]

  • [Evergreen]
  • [Fixed expiry with a maturity date of [date]
  • [For schemes selecting ‘other’] [text]

Value of scheme’s interest in the ABC (net present value)

  • £ [amount]

Date of net present value calculation

  • [date]

[Optional] Valuation of underlying asset

  • Equal to or at least £ [amount]

[Optional] Date of valuation of underlying asset

  • [date]

Triggers for any cessation of payment schedule or termination of ABC

  • [text]

Income stream

  • Year 1: £ [amount]
  • Year 2: £ [amount]
  • Year 3: £ [amount]
  • Year 4: £ [amount]
  • Year 5: £ [amount]
  • Year 6: £ [amount]
  • Year 7: £ [amount]
  • Year 8: £ [amount]
  • Year 9: £ [amount]
  • Year 10: £ [amount]
  • Year 11: £ [amount]
  • Year 12: £ [amount]
  • Year 13: £ [amount]
  • Year 14: £ [amount]
  • Year 15: £ [amount]
  • Year 16: £ [amount]
  • Year 17: £ [amount]
  • Year 18: £ [amount]
  • Year 19: £ [amount]
  • Year 20: £ [amount]

Total income stream scheduled at any time thereafter

  • Year 21+: £ [amount]

[For schemes other than non-segregated non-associated multi-employer schemes and ‘low-risk schemes'] Appendix 5: summary of trustees’ analysis of maximum affordable contributions after deficit repair contributions

[Only for multi-employer schemes that are non-segregated and whose employers are non-associated]: Appendix 6: summary of trustees’ assessment of supportable risk over the reliability period