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Business advisers

Employers are likely to ask you for help to choose and run a good quality pension scheme for automatic enrolment.

And it’s not just about pensions – automatic enrolment will impact upon most areas of your clients' businesses. Independent financial advisers (IFAs), employee benefit consultants (EBCs), actuaries, accountants, bookkeepers and other advisers can use our guidance and resources to help their clients make the right choices.

Automatic enrolment guide for business advisers

Make sure you're prepared for automatic enrolment.

Reporting and registering

Understand what information you need to report to TPR and how to report it.

Setting up a scheme

If you set up new pension schemes for your clients, make sure that they meet certain criteria. You will probably need to register the scheme with us.

DB benefits management

The areas of scheme management key to a well-run defined benefit (DB) scheme.

DC benefits management

How to help clients manage schemes that provide defined contribution (DC) benefits.

Mixed benefit scheme management

How to help clients run schemes that offer mixed benefits. These are sometimes known as hybrid schemes.

Closing a scheme

We provide good practice guidance to help trustees and others meet the two-year timeframe in relation to winding up occupational pension schemes.