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Registrable information and scheme returns

General code in force: 28 March 2024

Registrable information

  1. Governing bodies of registrable schemes1 must provide us with all registrable information2 when registering their schemes.
The registrable information will vary, depending on the type of scheme. To learn more about registrable information, see our guidance Update information on the scheme register.
  1. The governing body must tell us about changes to the registrable information as soon as reasonably practicable3, at the very latest within five working days of the governing body becoming aware of the change.

Scheme returns

  1. The law also requires governing bodies to complete a scheme return4.
  2. The scheme return includes registrable information, plus any other information that we may require to exercise our functions for a registered scheme. It is important that the information provided on the scheme return is accurate.
  3. Governing bodies are accountable for the information they provide on the scheme return, regardless of whether it has been prepared by them, a scheme administrator, or an adviser.
  4. Governing bodies should have measures in place to review and ensure the accuracy of the information in their scheme return before they send it to us. Governing bodies must also submit the scheme return by the date specified in the scheme return notice. If they do not provide it by the specified date, they may have to pay a fine5.
  5. It is a criminal offence for any person to knowingly, or recklessly, provide us with false or misleading information in the scheme return6.

Legal references

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