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Reporting duties
Employers and trustees have statutory duties to provide certain information to The Pensions Regulator (TPR) about their pension scheme. These details .../en/employers/managing-a-scheme/reporting-duties
Significant event (b)
An individual who is involved with the scheme or has been suspended while their appointment is being considered: (i) is convicted of an offence (ii) e .../en/master-trust-pension-schemes/supervision-of-master-trusts/significant-event-duties-for-master-trusts/significant-event-b
Dependants leave policy
Policy purpose and scope All employees have the right to take a reasonable amount of time off without pay during working hours, in order to deal with .../en/about-us/work-for-us/dependants-leave-policy
Contributions, dashboards, data and transfers
Ensuring contributions are paid to the pension scheme, managing data and records, and dealing with transfer requests from scheme members./en/trustees/contributions-data-and-transfers
Doing business with us
How to contact us about existing contracts, find supplier opportunities and get other procurement information./en/about-us/doing-business-with-us
Corporate Strategy and Corporate Plan
Find our latest Corporate Strategy and Corporate Plan and an archive of previous publications. Our Corporate Strategy includes high-level priorities w .../en/document-library/corporate-information/corporate-plans
Check records and payroll processes
Check payroll software supports automatic enrolment Working with clients without compatible payroll software/en/business-advisers/automatic-enrolment-guide-for-business-advisers/check-records-and-payroll-processes
Step 4. Declare your compliance
You must do this within 5 months after your duties start date./en/employers/new-employers/im-an-employer-who-has-to-provide-a-pension/declare-your-compliance
Trustee Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Survey 2023
Resolved triggering event form